Text Notes App

Text Your Notes: Becoma a Notetaking Pro by Doing it Your Way

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Essentials for Note Taking


Use our familiar texting interface that makes note taking easy and fun!


Organize your notes into as many categories as you would like, just like you'd do texting.


Log your Calories, Take Meeting Notes, Save Gift Ideas, and remember it all!

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    Join Text Notes

    Get the app and sign up for Text Notes in a single click! Great Notetaking is as easy as 123.

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    Text Your Notes

    With our familiar and intuitive messaging interface, become a notetaking pro from day one!

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    Find What You're Looking For

    Scroll through your notes just like you would with text messages. Use our search to find specific documents and never forget a thing!

Pin Traveler welcome page

Personalize Your Notes

Bullet Notes

Switch between text and bullet views for the best note-viewing experience

Secure Your App

Keep curious eyes out! Setup a password & biometrics to secure your notes against intruders

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